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Ask Brien

Ask Brien

Why, you ask, in the world would you spell Brien B- R- I- E- N? Well, I’ll tell you why- because the E stands for a lot of different things that happen to represent the Ask Brien Podcast.


The E stands for EMPATHY, putting yourself in other people’s shoes. EXCELLENCE, because this show exudes excellence. Another E, is the ENGINEER, because you can’t run this show without the engineer. And last but not least, EXPERTS, because you need to be an expert to be on the Ask Brien show.


Every business owner has questions for which they seek answers. And week after week, hosts Peter and Tracy answer YOUR burning questions by bringing you tips, strategies, and business hacks that will help you reach your business goals and overcome your obstacles that you face as a business owner.


Along with sharing their best kept secrets, AskBrien interviews the best in the industry who will share their knowledge and experience. And if you’ve learned something, Ask Brien has done it’s job.


As part of the AskBrien.com website, Peter and Traci, focus solely on business, and discuss questions from business owners and offer their best advice for success.


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December 18, 2022



Skills used

Show Concept
Full Service Launch
Podcast Audit
Podcast Re-Brand
Growth Strategy
Audio Production
Video Production
ProSocial Video
Marketing and Distribution