“I really believe in developing the power of an audio brand as the Nike swoosh, as the Amazon arrow smile. Your audio brand should be as recognizable to your personal brand, to your business brand, however you’re leveraging your audio platform. It should be as good a quality, and people should invest in, and not have it be an afterthought. If you think about what people invest in personal branding and visual branding aesthetics, website branding and then, oh, ‘I want to start a podcast.’ And they never even consider that that’s an extension of all of that other investment that you’ve made.” – Traci DeForge
This episode’s guest is the founder of Produce Your Podcast, an award-winning full-service production and marketing agency, and is recognized as an international podcast expert, sought-after speaker, and media contributor. She’s the creator of the Podcast Management Academy, the industry’s only certified podcast manager training program, and co-founder of the Podcast Professionals Association. She’s also the co-host of the Ask Brien radio show on KHTS AM & FM in Los Angeles and has been featured on all three major networks along with CNN, CTV, American Express OPEN, and Radio INK, and is a member of the Rolling Stone Culture Council. Her name is Traci DeForge, and if you’re looking to take your podcast to the next level, you’ll want to hear what she has to say about it.
It’s got to look good, sound good, look good if it is video, but it’s got to sound good, good quality audio, good editing, and it’s got to have enough interesting information that people want to talk about what they heard or they have a pivotal moment or an a-ha or it changes their life. So, and that again is why I am so incredibly passionate about podcasting and just, in general, because, I don’t know if I’ve ever shared this with you, but listening to a podcast literally did change my life with a medical condition that I had.” – Traci DeForge
This episode is the second half of my conversation with founder and CEO of Produce Your Podcast and internationally recognized podcast expert Traci DeForge as we discuss the branding power of podcasts, Traci’s tips for utilizing social media, and her work with the Podcast Professionals Association.