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Podcasting Tech with host Mathew Passy

Podcasting Tech with host Mathew Passy

Have you ever wondered how podcasters consistently release episodes while making money along the way? The secret isn’t just great content—it’s consistency.


A regular release schedule is the backbone of a successful podcast. It’s how creators build trust, grow their audience, and keep listeners coming back for more. Consistency not only strengthens your connection with your audience but also opens doors to sponsorships and monetization.


In our podcasting tech episode today, we chat with podcasting expert Traci DeForge about the importance of consistency in podcasting, the value of integrating audio marketing, and effective strategies for monetization.


Traci DeForge is the founder of Produce Your Podcast, a full-service podcast production company. With over two decades of experience in broadcast radio before transitioning to podcasting in 2015, Traci brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. She’s also the host of multiple shows, including Growth Accelerator, Journey There, and Ask Brian Radio Show.


This episode is a must-listen if you want to master audience connection, unlock monetization potential, and understand the critical role consistency plays in building a successful podcast.



In this episode, we cover:

  • Traci shares her enthusiasm for Alanis Morissette’s recently reactivated podcast, highlighting the significance of consistent episode releases. (3:15)
  • Strategies for podcasters to reengage with their audience after a hiatus, akin to rekindling a relationship after “ghosting.” (8:45)
    How to leverage your immediate network for podcast sponsorship and monetization. (15:30)
  • Traci talks about the enduring power of audio podcasts and the risks of video content overshadowing audio.
  • Tips on how to integrate your podcast marketing organically across different platforms like newsletters, social media, and blogs. (28:00)
Podcast Tech