Strategies for Building Your Podcast Audience
Building an audience for your podcast requires a strategic approach, especially if you are using your show to support your business’ growth goals and to reach a specific type of listener (aka your future clients!).
The top 3 responses we get when we ask podcasters “what do you want this podcast to do for your business?” are:
- I want to educate, entertain, and engage my paying customers for longer.
- I want to nurture and support the people that are already in my ecosystem, such as my sales pipeline, the people in my online communities, social media followers, etc.
- I want my podcast to bring more people “into the fold” by elevating my visibility and thought leadership
All of these are smart answers, and yet we often see that the podcast becomes isolated or siloed – meaning it isn’t effectively integrated into the organization’s marketing strategy and therefore isn’t reaching all of the audiences mentioned above.
Creating an effective audience building strategy will help you to reach all of your intended audiences.
Identify And Engage All Intended Audiences
We always use the visual of a bullseye when talking about audience building, and we recommend working from the innermost point of the bullseye and then outward. You can reference the image below:
The center of your bullseye represents the people in your ecosystem who already know, like and trust your brand. These are your paying customers, strategic partners, new clients, employees, and stakeholders. They are the heartbeat of your business, and they are the people who are most likely to become loyal listeners of your podcast.
What is interesting about this is that this is usually the audience that business owners assume are already listening, but upon further inspection learn that their closest connections aren’t aware of and/or aren’t engaging with the podcast.
This group is not only the easiest one for you to talk to, but it is made up of people who will be more willing to share the show with others if you were to ask (more on this further down).
Quick tip to integrate the podcast in this layer: having new clients subscribe to your show as part of their onboarding process is key. You can also have clients submit questions and topics they’d like to hear on the show, which gets them actively involved in the show process – and making them excited to listen. You could interview clients on your show about their successes, do a live coaching call and turn it into an episode, etc.
The next layer outward of the bullseye visual consists of your fans, opt-ins, email lists, recently inactive clients, referrals, and pending sales opt-ins. These are the people who would benefit tremendously from your episodes – it keeps them in your ecosystem, retains and expands the trust already built, nurtures the sales process, and more. These are also future ambassadors of your show.
Once that trust is built and they are engaging consistently with your show, it becomes easier to make the ask to share episodes with people they feel would benefit from listening (not to keep teasing it, but… more on the “why” behind it further in this post!)
Quick tip to integrate the podcast in this layer: We see most often that the podcast isn’t included in the follow up emails after a specific opt in, and that sales reps aren’t sharing episodes with the people in their pipeline. We have also seen organizations that run ads to things like webinars have a list of engaged and high quality leads – but never put the podcast in front of that audience. All of this are generally simple tweaks that an organization can make to the things they are already doing.
The outermost layer of your bullseye represents the “cold” market. These are the new people that you want to attract to your podcast who don’t know you well yet. Think about the people who come across your social media content, who see your podcast recommended in their listening app, get a targeted ad from your organization, etc. They are just becoming aware of you and your show, but haven’t engaged enough to know who you are, what you do, and how you can help them… unless they start to tune in.
While it is a bit less common to see this outermost audience being isolated from the show (especially in this hyper digital world, where everyone is promoting their stuff online), podcasters who feel their downloads and audience growth has been stagnant are sometimes relying solely on their existing audience, without any strategy to promote the show publicly or gain new listeners.
Quick tip to integrate the podcast in this layer: video content is king right now – it captures more attention and clicks than static images. If you have raw video from your recording sessions, or can even use live video and mention your podcast in your videos, that’s a great first step.
Finding the “Gold in Your Backyard”
Data from the end of 2022 told us how people are finding new podcasts to listen to. While many assume it’s through social media or online marketing, such as TikTok or other popular platforms, the reality is that people find new podcasts through personal recommendations from friends, family, colleagues, and trusted advisors, even more than they are finding shows through social media.
We recently did a session with one of our strategic clients, and asked her about the audiences available to her in each layer of her bullseye. At first, she kept bringing it back to guesting on more podcasts, doing more speaking, etc. – all of which are really good strategies, but required her to jump to the outermost layer of the bullseye versus leveraging audiences that were closer and easier to reach (not to mention, faster to get in front of).
After some additional thought starters and coaching questions, our client said, “Oh! I know exactly where I could tap into! Thank you for pushing me on this.” Turns out, one of her close professional friends has an email list full of people in her target market – a list of over 400,000 people – that she is able to promote the podcast in front of.
That’s what we mean when we say “gold in your backyard” – who is closest to you that you can mobilize already? Perhaps it is a client incentive to share the show, getting placements and visibility in your business friends’ communities and programs, including the podcast into PR initiatives you are already taking, etc.
Again, the bullseye is all about working from the center of your business outward. The opportunities for audience building that can be done in your existing communications are abundant, and mobilizing your existing engaged audience is the best way to generate new listeners, too.
What Are Your Next Steps?
Scroll back up and take a look at the example bullseye image in this post. Where are the gaps in each layer of your own bullseye? From there, create a plan to plug the holes in each layer. By taking these steps, you can expand your reach, engage more people supporting business growth goals, visibility leads, and sales.
Our Growth Accelerator Program (or as we call it, ‘GAP’) is a 6 month small group coaching and mastermind program designed to work with you to increase your visibility and ability to attract new listeners, convert more listeners to website/email subscribers, and build out plans for monetization – from your own products and services to external sources like advertisers and sponsors. Send us a message if you’d like to talk about the program and if it might be right for you.
Produce Your Podcast is a premier podcast consulting, production & marketing agency. Our team of experts provides comprehensive, full service high quality solutions for B2B and B2C clients to incorporate podcasting into their overall marketing strategy. If you’re looking for a reliable partner to help launch or grow your business branded podcast and boost your sales and marketing goals, we’re here to help.
Click here to schedule a conversation with our team today. Let’s work together to create a high quality podcast that takes your business to new heights!