When your latest podcast is ready to be published, you should create show notes like all successful podcast producers do. These are the notes that accompany your podcast when it’s published. Podcast show notes accompany each podcast you produce to let the audience know a little about the episode and what they can expect from your show.
Your show notes are a way to attract listeners and give them an idea of what to expect in the episode. This is where you generate excitement for your show and direct potential listeners to listen to your show and reach out to your resources.
What to Include In Your Show Notes
Your show notes describe your podcast episode and what listeners can expect; be informative, but don’t give everything away. Remember to tell people what benefits they can get from listening to your podcast and what they can expect to learn or discover. But keep in mind that you want them to listen to your podcast, so encourage them to join you.
You should include the following in your show notes:
Episode Introduction
Your first paragraph should be an introduction that summarizes what the episode is about. Remember to maintain your theme. If you’re taking a fun and lighthearted approach to a topic, let that come through. If you offer B2B finance support and want people to be enthusiastic about their business growth, let that show in your initial intro.
Podcast & Host Introduction
You should also introduce your podcast for new listeners, keep this short, as regular listeners will already know all about the show! This is a great place to introduce the host or hosts. You should list their experiences and credentials to reassure listeners to know that they can trust your advice.
Introduce Guests
Introduce your guests to the show and share their credentials and information about their business and experiences. You could mention any awards they’ve won, etc. Your listeners will love to know how you met your guest and how they inspired you.
You can include a timeline of the episode. Including the times at which key features occur during the show. Include guest appearances, topics, when particular questions you answer, and when a free offer is presented, such as a PDF download, etc.
Link To Resources
Next, you should link to all the resources mentioned in the episode. This includes guests’ business links or resources made available. If you have a show sponsor, you can mention them here and link to their products.
Call To Action
Include your call-to-action, this might be to download a PDF ebook on business growth, for example. Or you might want them to join you on Facebook or sign up to your newsletter.
Where To Get Help With Your Show Notes
You can produce your own show notes template from the suggestions above. Once you produce a template for the notes for each episode, then you’ll have consistent show notes each time and the process will get quicker for you.
When you work with Produce Your Podcast you can arrange to have your show notes prepared for you ready for when you publish your episode. This means you’ll include all the information you need and also benefit from the wealth of experience of the Produce Your Podcast team.
FAQs: How to Create Show Notes for Your Podcast
What are show notes?
Show notes are a written description of your podcast episode. They describe the topic, guests, features, and useful links.
What are podcast show notes?
Each of your podcast episodes should have accompanying show notes. These are a written description of your podcast episode detailing features, guests, and call-to-actions.
Final Word: How to Create Show Notes for Your Podcast
Your show notes are the written notes that accompany your published podcast episodes. They detail what the episode is about, details about the podcast series and host, or hosts. Show notes usually provide a list of features in the show and links to resources and sponsors. Your show notes should let your listeners know the benefits of listening to your podcast and get them listening!
Produce Your Podcast is a premier podcast consulting, production & marketing agency. Our team of experts provides comprehensive, full-service quality solutions for B2B and B2C clients to incorporate podcasting into their overall marketing strategy. If you’re looking for a reliable partner to help launch or grow your business-branded podcast and boost your sales and marketing goals, we’re here to help.
Click here to schedule a conversation with our team today. Let’s work together to create a high-quality podcast that takes your business to new heights!