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Five Tips for Business Podcast Guests

Whether you host your own podcast or not, being a guest on other podcasts can help you promote your brand and earn revenue. But you can’t just hope to hop onto a call and promote your business on a business podcast. Carefully prepare and promote...

Five Tips for Business Podcast Hosts

Business podcasting can be a relatively competitive niche. There are many new and emerging business podcasts and getting noticed can be challenging. Therefore, you want to ensure you get the most from your episode time. In this article, we look at some of the top...

How to Attract New Subscribers to Your Podcast

When building a successful podcast, you will need to continuously attract new subscribers. Subscribers, as opposed to listeners, are notified of new episodes and are loyal fans of the show. It is important to attract new subscribers as these are the people who are most...

How Long Does It Take to Edit a Podcast?

There are several parts to producing a podcast. You have to plan, record, edit, release, and market your podcast. Several of these aspects can take significant amounts of time to complete. And getting a high-end production company can be a cost that some startup podcast...

The Secrets to Podcasting Marketing on LinkedIn

Podcasting for a B2B business can be challenging. There are numerous aspects that you need to think about, which include how you are going to reach the target audience. There are lots of platforms available, such as Facebook, X, and YouTube. One of the best...

How Do I Get Sponsors for my Podcast?

When it comes to getting podcast revenues going there are several options that you have. One of these is using sponsors for your episodes. Sponsors are a very traditional route to monetization, but they are also full of myths, which include the first one: that...